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Using Centum - Out of Lab Assignment 

Answer the following questions using the handout from this week, the 
Centum/VMS handout from the first week of class, or by following the
hints given after the question.

You will be given points for:
   * extracting the message to a file
   * using the editor to type in the answers to the questions
   * answering the questions correctly
   * printing out the file

1.  What operating system and version/release number does centum use?  
    (Hint:  When you first log in, it tells you on the line just before 
    the system prompt.)

Answer:  OpenVMS V6.2

2.  What is the command to change your password on centum?
    (Hint:  Look through the on-line help for the command "set".)

Answer:  Set Password

3.  What does the command "show" do?  (Hint:  Use help.)

Answer:  Displays information about the current status of a process, the
	 system, or the devices in a system.

4.  How would I get the current date and time on centum?  
    (Hint:  In help, look through examples for the "show time" command.)

Answer:  Show Time

5.  As you know, holding down the ctrl key and pressing Z will save
    your file and exit the EVE editor.  How would you save the file
    but not exit the EVE editor?  (Hint:  Look in the on-line help 
    for the EVE editor under the topics that discuss saving files.)

Answer:  In EVE, press CTRL+B, erase the command that is there and type

For those of you guys that are big into sending e-mail, you might be
interested in looking on the on-line help in the EVE editor at the command
"Mail Editing".