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The most popular method for solving a nonsingular system of linear equations is called Gaussian elimination. It is both simple and effective. The basic idea in elimination is to manipulate the equations of so as to obtain an equivalent set of equations that is easy to solve. is one that has the same solutions.

There are three basic operations used in elimination: (1) multiplying an equation by a nonzero constant, (2) subtracting a multiple of one equation from another, and (3) interchanging rows.

Consider the problem


If we subtract a multiple of the first equation from the second, we get

Choosing makes the coefficient of zero so that the unknown no longer appears in this equation:

We say that we have ``eliminated'' the unknown from the equation. Similarly, we eliminate from equation (1.5) by subtracting times the first equation from it:

The system of equations (1.3)-(1.5) has been reduced to the equivalent system


Now we set aside the first equation and continue the elimination process with the last two equations in the system (1.6) involving only the unknowns and . Multiply the second equation by 1 and subtract from the third to produce


a single equation in one unknown. The equations (1.6) have now become the equivalent set of equations


The system (1.8)-(1.10) is easy to solve. From (1.10) . The known value of is then used in (1.9) to obtain , i.e.,

Finally the values for and are used in (1.8) to obtain ,

Because this set of equations is equivalent to the original set of equations, the solution of (1.3)-(1.5) is , , .

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J. C. Diaz