CGI Programming with Perl

CGI Programming with Perl

The Format

The most common task of a CGI program is to create the required HTML tags.

Forms, buttons, lists

A standard set of routines has been created is a Perl module of functions for such common tasks is part of the standard Perl distribution

perldoc CGI

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//w3c//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"

<!-- popcorn.html - This describes popcorn sales form page -->
<title> Popcorn Sales CGI program </title>

<!-- The next line gives the address of the CGI program -->

<form action = "" 
      method = "POST">
<h2> Welcome to Millennium Gymnastics Booster Club Popcorn Sales </h2>


<!-- Text widgets for name and address -->

        <td> Buyer's Name: </td>  
        <td> <input type = "text"  name = "name"  size = "30"> </td>
        <td> Street Address: </td>
        <td> <input type = "text"  name = "street"  size = "30"> </td>
        <td> City, State, Zip: </td>
        <td> <input type = "text"  name = "city"  size = "30"> </td>
<br />

<table border = "border">

<!-- First, the column headings --> 

        <th> Product Name </th>
        <th> Price </th>
        <th> Quantity </th>

<!-- Now, the table data entries -->

        <td> Unpopped Popcorn (1 lb.) </td>
        <td> $3.00 </td>
        <td> <input type = "text"  name = "unpop"  size ="2"> </td>
        <td> Caramel Popcorn (2 lb. canister) </td>
        <td> $3.50 </td>
        <td> <input type = "text"  name = "caramel"  
              size = "2"> </td>
        <td> Caramel Nut Popcorn (2 lb. canister) </td>
        <td> $4.50 </td>
        <td> <input type = "text"  name = "caramelnut"  
              size = "2"></td>
        <td> Toffey Nut Popcorn (2 lb. canister) </td>
        <td> $5.00 <</td>
        <td> <input type = "text"  name = "toffeynut"  
                      size = "2"> </td>

<br />

<!-- The radio buttons for the payment method -->

<h3> Payment Method: </h3>
<input type = "radio"  name = "payment"  value = "visa" checked> Visa <br />

<input type = "radio"  name = "payment"  value = "mc"> Master Card <br />
<input type = "radio"  name = "payment"  value = "discover"> Discover <br />

<input type = "radio"  name = "payment"  value = "check"> Check <br /> <br />

<!-- The submit and reset buttons -->

<input type = "submit"  value = "Submit Order">
<input type = "reset"  value = "Clear Order Form">

popcorn HTML form

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

# This is
# It is a CGI program to process the popcorn sales form

# Initialize a hash of products and their prices, total price,
#  and total number of purchased items

%prices = ("unpop" => 3, "caramel" => 3.5, "caramelnut" => 4.5,
           "toffeynut" => 5);
$total_price = 0;
$total_items = 0;

# Produce the header part of the HTML return value

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "<html><head>\n";
print "<title> CGI-Perl Popcorn Form  </title></head> \n";
print "<body>\n";
print "Thank you for your order. <br /> <br />\n";

# Determine the request method and get the query string

$request_method = $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'};
if ($request_method eq "GET") {
    $query_string = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};
elsif ($request_method eq "POST") {
    read(STDIN, $query_string, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});

# Split the query string into the name/value pairs

@name_value_pairs = split(/&/, $query_string);

# Loop to process the array of item names and quantities

foreach $name_value (@name_value_pairs) {

# Split the pairs into names and values and translate the values
# into text by decoding the hex characters

    ($name, $value) = split (/=/, $name_value);
    $value =~ s/%([\dA-Fa-f][\dA-Fa-f])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;

# Add the number of these items to the total items ordered, 
#  compute the cost of the item, and add its cost to the total price, 

    $total_items += $value;
    $cost = $prices{$name} * $value;
    $total_price += $cost;

} ##- end of foreach

# Produce the result information to the browser and finish the page

print "You ordered $total_items popcorn items <br /> <br /> \n";
print "Your total bill is: \$ $total_price <br /> \n";
print "</body> </html> \n";

| The Common gateway Interface| | CGI linkage| | Query String Format| | The Format|

| A survey Example| | Cookies| | Animation using CGI|